Judo Branco Zanol

The Judo Branco Zanol project is a project that serves children and adolescents from 07 to 17 years of age living in the municipality of Guaíra, who are enrolled in the school system.

The project is carried out at Grêmio Recreativo e Esportivo Colorado’s headquarters in a partnership with the White Zanol Olympic Project and Oswaldo Ribeiro de Mendonça Institute, aiming at the formation of the good citizen through the practice of sport in Judo. One of the main benefits of the Judo Branco Zanol project is the help for shy children who have socialization difficulties, even though it is an individual sport, the fight prioritizes group work, friendship and discipline. Judo, in this case, should be used as a means to develop the child, with the ultimate goal of overcoming shyness and improving relationships.

The application of playfulness, discipline and respect are part of the socialization of Judo class learning. The age at which the child is best able to receive and assimilate the stimuli, both motor and intellectual, and in early childhood education. Therefore, children who have positive stimulation at this age, very possibly, will be adults with good motor development, dynamic, thoughtful, sociable, in short, people prepared to act in the social environment in which they live. In addition, Judo can interfere with the character of the practitioner, since this art has its philosophy focused on physical, mental and social well-being.

Bringing our children and young people closer to sports is one of the ways we can contribute to the integral education that takes place in various times and spaces, far beyond school and above all, together with school.