
IORM’s volunteers are residents in the towns of Ipuã, Guaíra, Orlândia and Miguelópolis.

They have in common the attitude that is sure to transform reality. They meet every week to produce exclusive manual work. The product of their work is commercialized in bazaars that take place throughout the year in order to raise essential resources for the work developed by IORM.

These volunteers are contemporary, involved, participating and aware, with a high level of commitment.

Participate. Contact IORM in your town:
(17) 3331-6132
(16) 3726-5236
(16) 3832-3378
(16) 3835-6643

Law of Volunteers

According to the Law of Volunteers, nr. 9.608/98, “the volunteer is a person who, motivated by the value of participation and solidarity, donate his/her time, work and talent, spontaneously and unpaid, to causes of social and community interest”.
Brazil is one of the few countries to have such an innovative legislation that, with just three articles, regulates volunteer work. The legislation established in an unequivocal manner that the volunteer service is a “unpaid activity”.
Therefore, there is no employment bond, “no labor, social security obligation or similar in nature”. The Law of Volunteers makes an unprecedented contribution to the volunteer cause in Brazil and has represented a decisive step for the professionalization of the Third Sector.
